Esteemed Human Development
International, Inc.
Sustainable Consulting, Training, and Coaching for People and Organizations!
With her “tell-it-like-it-is” approach and down-to-earth humor, Betsy Haas customizes her work to help her clients’ foster leadership, build cohesive teams and retain employees. Some of her most sought after topics include:
Access Your Passion
Achieving Realistic Goals
Assertiveness Training
Building Teamwork
Burned Out Or On Fire
Building Partnerships
Celebrating Diversity
Childhood/Family Obesity
Coaching for Commitment
Communication Skills
Conflict Resolution
Emergent Leadership
Emotional Intelligence
Ethics 101
Exercising Influence
Facilitating Skills
Families In The Fast Lane
Healthy Work Environment
How do YOU Like Your Recognition
Integrity Counts
Intergenerational Diversity
Laughing Matters
Lead, Don't Manage

Leading Change
Leadership Institutes
Leadership is Everyone’s Business
Leadership Practices Inventory
Life’s Purpose
Live Different Not Harder
Mental Health/Stress Management
Motivational Magic
Natural Pathways of Learning
Negotiating With Yourself
Opportunity vs. Obstacles
People DON’T Leave Jobs, They Leave Bosses!
Performance Building
Presentation Skills
Succession Planning
Spirituality in the Workplace
Service That Sizzles
Staff Development
Supervision Techniques
Time Management
Transforming Energy
Work-Life Balance