Is where you are today, where you thought you wanted to be? Can you see your past thoughts that planted the seeds to create that which you are experiencing now? Time for a shift?
The first ingredient of success is desire. Do you know what you want? Your desire is the planting of your seed. Your desire for success must be so strong within you that it's the very breath of your life. It must be your first thought when you wake in the morning, and your last thought when you go to bed at night.
You can be whatever you make up your mind to be. What's in your mind is all that counts. Your thoughts today create your future!
“If you want to know the past, to know what has caused you, then look at yourself in the PRESENT, for that is the past's effect. If you want to know your future, then look at yourself in the PRESENT, for that is the cause of the future.”
~ Majjhima Nikaya

AFFIRMATION: I think positive and healthy thoughts!